Saturday 8 July 2017

Lagos Going Under Water!

Disasters of expected 2017 flood, has begun. Images of flooded houses and roads are on the Social Media. Interesting images of Lagosians swimming, or boating their way through the flood, are all over the Internet.  

Mobil Road, Off Ilaje Bust-stop, Lekki

It is most worrisome, to come to terms with the fact that this was predicted before-time, therefore makes adequate time for preparation, through the clearing of drainage systems across the state. It is apparent that nothing seemed done to that regard. Aside drainage clearance, the unbridled manner of water-logged area approval for the construction, of high brow estates, especially on the Lagos Island area is alarming. Everyone wants to own properties in choice areas, and often willing to pay what ever it takes, without stopping for a moment to think of the consequences of sand-filling Lakes and part of the Lagoon. A trip to Lekki phase 1 area, Lagos state (one of the flood's worse hit areas) will leave a right thinking person in shock. Banana Island seems to be swiftly extending into Lekki Scheme 1, thanks to sand-filling, and constructions. We forget, that what makes these areas beautiful, is the natural Island and Peninsula, therefore these boundaries should be  respected and appreciated. Why choke it up with construction of estates, when land abound in other areas.

Lekki Phase 1 Bridge

More-so, spaces originally mapped out for the construction of major and alternative roads, are being turned into estates, while areas supposed to be designated for "Greening", is metamorphosing into markets, and shopping arcades. Shops are being approved to be constructed on-top closed drainage systems, while the drainage is neglected therefore blocked.

Mobil Road, Lekki

Building a 'Mega City', is a welcomed development in any well-meaning society, however there is need to take into consideration, a holistic plan that includes -respect for natural reserves: e.g streams/ lakes, trees, space, construction of good roads and drainage system.

Follow links to past publications on the advocacy for drainage clearance:

Sunday 2 July 2017

Asaba Cries In Distress!

Asaba, known as Ahaba Ibokwe, is the beautiful city located at the western edge of the River Niger. According to history, Asaba was once the capital of the Southern Nigeria Protectorate. This historic city hosted the Royal Niger Company, established by Colonial British authorities to promote trade and exportation of goods to England. 

Nnebisi road, Asaba, by the High Court
Since 1991 when it became the capital city of Delta state, Asaba grew from a small serene beautiful town of hospitable people, to a population of about over half a million and experienced some level of infrastructural development. 

Asaba Mall

Inter-Bau Junction fly-over bridge, Asaba
Entrance into Asaba from the Edo state axis was once a 'sight to behold'. With Solar Energy powered street lights which ran all the way from neibouring Izele- Azagba. The current heartbreaking state of this 'once-upon-a-time' beautiful city, can be told as a tale of perhaps "the old is better". Instead of the state administrations building to beat their predecessor's developmental records, the reverse seems to be the case. From the look of things, truth be told, the James Ibori administration, though highly criticized for corruption, seems to be the best the city of Asaba, if not the whole of Delta State yet had. As at Thursday, 22nd June, 2017, at about 7:25pm, the fascinating that welcomes one on arrival into the city, is greeted instead by total darkness. A couple of lights at the runway of the city Airport, confirmed that the airport is still functional. 

Dark state of Asaba express-way, by Sumit Junction

From the darkness, thanks to the state's electricity supplying company, doing what they know best (ensuring darkness), to bad roads of almost all streets off the major Nnebisi and Sumit roads, accompanied by flood. It was observed that the Sumit road has no drainage system, how on earth is a major road constructed without a drainage, I wonder.

Another noticeably regrettable sight is the deploring state of the township stadium. It is rather shameful that this stadium, which was in a much better state over 20-years-ago, when Asaba was only a Local Government Head-quarters, is allowed to degenerate to this state. 

See Pictures below:

obviously an abandoned project


A visit to this "capital-city" will shock first time visitors, or one who has not visited in a long time, and anticipated to see more. It costs absolutely nothing other than determination and devotion to decide to channel the state's funds towards ensuring accessible roads with good drainage system, facilities  in our infrastructures, not only in the state capital, but replicated all over the state. This is do-able, majority of the people in the corridors of power travel to Dubai, the United States of America, Canada, Europe and other "developed" countries at the lightest excuse(s) of- medical concerns, education, childbirths, attending weddings, naming ceremonies, summer vacations, forums, seminars and meetings, etc. We travel, spend billions of 'hard-currencies' to further enrich the treasury of the wealthy nations, while our home-land languish in penury.  Why cant we replicate the things we enjoy in the developed countries here, in our home, where we belong. 

This publication is aimed at shedding some light, into issues that needs to be redressed, so that appropriate authorities can wake up from their slumber and do the work they were voted into power for, with the available funds/ allocations and human resources. 

Like late Smart Williams sang, "i' do-kwa ba village yi, osuso o'bibi" (developing your village, makes it pleasant to live in). People visit or pass through this town...they see this situation. A good name is the best legacy any man, organisation or administration can leave behind. We can do better than this. 

Photos From Around Nigeria: Mmiri Okuta At Asaba!

Pictures of "Mmiri-okuta" (Rock-water), located at Ukwu-Ogbono area, off Anwai road, Asaba, Delta-state, Nigeria.

Locals are seen here fetching from mmiri-Okuta, they believe it is clean enough for drinking, cooking and other domestic use.

Saturday 24 June 2017

Let's Talk About Evans!

News about the recent arrest of kidnap kingpin identified as  Chukwudumeje Onwuamadike, popularly known as 'Evans', at his home, in Fred Shoboyejo street, Magodo Phase 2 GRA, Lagos - Nigeria; and his cohorts, has set the Nigerian Media, as well as International mainstream agog. This owes to how news of his exploits overshadowed other stories.

Since his arrest, Evans reportedly revealed information about his gang's heinous activities- from their kidnap dens, how he selects his victims, trailed and kidnapped them, and what ransoms to demand from each victim. Interestingly, some of these victims have stepped forward to identify the kidnapper, even recounted their ordeal while in his den. Evans Father, Step-mother, mother, sister, wife, mistresses and some other family members, equally gave their statements and granted interviews. No week passed by without a new turn to the 'Evans-kidnap story'. The media, staying true to its responsibility, keeps the public informed as events unfolds. 

A Nigerian based Daily newspaper, Vanguard, reports: "Evans might be flown to Force Headquarters, Abuja, to meet with the Police hierarchy for thorough interrogation over his criminal activities. Already, efforts were been made to prepare him for the meeting, which sources said could include meeting with the Inspector-General of Police, Ibrahim Idris. Detectives attached to the Intelligence Response Team, IRT, of the IGP’s special squad, are still taking the kidnap kingpin to places in Lagos, and environs with a view of identifying all the houses he used as cells, during his escapades". 

The arrested 'Kidnap Kingpin's story is highly celebrated. Media organizations make a field-day, trying to beat each other to publications of the latest turn of events. Security operatives seems more interested in being identified with Evans arrest. Everyone wants a piece of the action. Evans, the man in the middle of it all, seems to relish this situation.

That being said, there abound questions that need answers. For instance, at the initial stage, news made rounds about Evans disclosing members of his network, and how the Police planned to make more shocking arrests. The public anxiously awaits these arrests. Also, one of the kidnap victims, narrated that a doctor was called to treat his 'gun-shot' wounds whiles in the kidnap den. Has this doctor being identified, if not what is keeping the Police from revealing his identity and making arrests.

Of more importance would be the big question: when will Evans and his gang be charged to court, convicted and sentenced for their crimes? The chances of this story going cold, while the accused is detained for a very long time, is high; a development that can further risk the lives of victims who already testified, and raised alarm for the security of well meaning citizens.  

The Evans kidnap case will to a large extent determine the level of Nigeria's Criminal Justice System, as it continues to generate interests from stake holders within and outside the country. 

Monday 19 June 2017

Individual/ Media Responsibility In The Fight Against Terrorism!

Monday, June 19, 2017 early hours terrorist attack on Seven Sisters Road, Finsbury Park, near North London Mosque, left one person dead and about ten others injured. 

Reports said: a van rammed into Muslim worshippers, near the Mosque, as they attended the Ramadan night prayers at about 12:30am. 

According to London Police authorities, a 48-year-old man was arrested and the case is being treated as  "terrorist attack". 

The attacker was reported to have screamed "I am going to kill all Muslims", while others reported him to have said "at least I did my bit". 

The Muslim community in London believes the attack is "Islamophobic"  targeted at the weak and vulnerable in the community. 

Terrorism is a plague that is daily eating deed into the fabrics that binds the Human Race. It is heinous crime against Humanity, and a causeless fight, hence is condemn-able. Terrorism is an act that knows no Religion, Ethnicity and Race. It's single goal is "Havoc" and it single enemy is the Human Race. 

Terrorism comes in different forms and strategies. Aside senseless attacks on the feeble and unguarded, there is also what can be termed subtle ethnic, religious and racial attacks. These attacks are often in forms of "hate comments" by individuals, some of whom occupy significant positions in our societies, at gatherings and on Social Media platforms. 

Government, the Main-stream and Social media (bloggers), and individuals owe it as a responsibility to come together in the fight against terrorism. 

Through unbiased coverage and reportage of incidents, discouraging perceived "hate-comments" against any ethnic group(s), religion, race, on individual platforms, and encouraging Oneness, are some of the ways we can counter terrorism.

What binds us together is greater that what is tearing us apart. 

Thursday 15 June 2017

Time To Yan Again!

When was the last time we took time off our schedules to contemplate on what really defines us? What defines our criteria for success and achievements in Life? What do we understand by the saying "Living a fulfilled life”?

Things we have seen and heard almost all our lives often inform the decisions we make. We want to be like, or at best out-do all those Social Media slay queens and kings, we set goals with target, need to hold a Bachelors or Masters at certain age; the need to be CEO of “ekusie-Okwu” company Int. Married with beautiful family…etc. There is a default urge to be highly successful and recognised as an 'achiever' in life. There is nothing wrong with this urge; actually, I think it is 'God-given'. However, how we go about attaining these goals and what we define as "success" is what should bother us.

Events in the last couple of years made me stop for a while to reminisce. I ask myself, "what do I really want out of life”. Like most of us, I had set goals and priorities...and pursued these studiously...with every right intentions to peharps change the world around me with what I was able to achieve. I thought since my intentions were 'good' God should endorse it...Lol. Sometimes we get so carried away with life...trying to live...that we forget to understand that it is not about us. Not how we want to get it done, but all about what God has designed for us.

We get broken in our life hustles, loose support of things and people we thought were divine steps towards achieving our goals. At first, we run, then we walk and then…we crawl to the Place where we realise the Truth. Where we understand that it is time to let God have His way. This is the place where we truly begin to live.

It is a place where we lose ourselves, where we get tired of meeting up with standards and expectations set by people around us and the society. The place David described as "still waters". Where like little children (that we all are before God) we learn to lean absolutely on God. We start seeking what God wants, instead of "what we want". At this place, we start aligning and pursuing our dreams according to God's will, not bothered about living to please people, to proof 'haters' wrong, to 'pepper them', or being afraid of Jesus’ second coming or even death, because we know we are right in the centre of God's purpose for our lives.

This is a call to look inwards and start learning to appreciate the blessings of God in our lives, which comes in the strangest packages.
  • When was the last time we looked with warm smiles into the eyes of our children, spouses, parents, ailing friends or relatives, held their hands or hugged them tight...not necessarily saying a word?.
  • When was the last time we made people that mattered most to us understand that we really care for them...through our acts?
  • When was the last time we thought about helping someone we don't even know, but whose paths crossed with ours...without putting it on Social Media for aggrandisement?
  • When was the last time we sacrificially and truly cared?

 Our purpose and work in life is most times wrapped in these often-neglected parcels. The things we take for granted can be the very key that unlocks our destinies. Selah.

Wednesday 14 June 2017

Grenfell Tower Fire: Casualty Bureau Opened For Genuine Reports!

Fire swamped a 24 storey Tower block, Grenfell Towers, North Kensington, Latimer Road, West London, a residential building consisting about 120 flats and four bedrooms in each flat. 

A lot of people living in the block were inside when the fire broke before 4am, Wednesday, June 14, 2017. According to report, first reports of the incident was reported before 1am. Residents were seen jumping from the windows of their apartments while trying to save their lives from the inferno. 

Fire Fighters Authority said there have been a number of brutalities, and over 50 people are receiving treatments in various hospitals across London. 

Representatives of Emergency services present at the scene said they are doing their best to put out the fire and rescue any survivors inside the building which is still lit.. 

As at the time of filling this report, the actual number of casualties is not yet ascertained. Fire fighters are still at the rescue stage of the operation. 

A missing people casualty bureau  was set up, people are advised to call 999 to report any genuine reports of missing person(s). 

The incident has been described as "unprecedented", and one of the worse that London has witnessed in many decades.