These are signs that indicates you might be a Social Media addict:
- When you leave your iPhone behind at home do you feel a sense of loss and isolation becasue you can’t check your Facebook or Twitter updates while out and about
- You check your Facebook account 20 times a day
- If you don’t receive a comment on your latest blog post within 12 hours you have suicidal thoughts
- You go away for a weekend without your laptop and your suffer severe heart palpitations?
- You have more social media icons on you iPhone than productivity apps?
- You stood in line for an Apple iPad for 24 hours just so you could update your Facebook on a bigger screen while on the move
- You have more online friends than you have in real life
- You Tweet on your mobile while walking
- You log on to Facebook before you have brushed your teeth in the morning
- You check your Facebook or Twitter updates ‘after’ going to bed.