Saturday 16 February 2019

Flood Stalls Business Activities In Idumagbo, Lagos Island!

Parts of Idumagbo community, Lagos Island area of Lagos state; famously known for its population density and the extensive business activities it accommodates on a daily basis, battles with flood each time it rains.

16/02/2019Idumagbo, Lagos Island

16/02/2019Idumagbo, Lagos Island

16/02/2019Idumagbo, Lagos Island

Like most areas in Lagos State, flood remains a major challenge, that needs to be tackled, and which is achievable through the construction of new drainage systems, and clearing of existing channels across the state.

16/03/2018: Idumagbo, Lagos Island

16/03/2018: Idumagbo, Lagos Island

There have been clamours for drainage re-structuring, in most parts of Lagos state, however, the pleas remain unattended to.

Link to an old Publication on relative issues:

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