Monday 31 December 2012

Yuletide Tips For a Healthy Holiday Season Without Gaining Weight!

It's the Yuletide once again, the season for irresistible treats, delicacies—and a belly like our dear friend Santa. Between Christmas parties and family dinners, the temptations that comes with every treat seem difficult to resist.Contrary to popular belief, the average person does not gain five or more pounds during the holiday season. Studies show that the average weight gain is more like one pound. So, you may ask, “What’s the big deal”.

Research also indicates that we don’t shed that extra pound after the holidays, so the extra pounds add up over time. Below are a few tips that could help maintain a healthier, leaner holiday season. 

Eat before you go to a party: It is a common misconception that by skipping meals, you will eat fewer calories and lose weight. This couldn't be farther from the truth. Besides 
slowing down your metabolism, starving yourself during the day makes you more likely binge later at night. Eat small meals and snacks throughout the day and be sure to have a substantial snack before going to the party, so you are not starving and ravish everything in sight. 

Downsize your portions. There’s no reason why you can’t have a taste of 

your favourite foods this holiday season—but “taste” is the operative word. 

Portion size is the key to healthy eating and weight control. Try filling your 

plate with hormonally balanced foods, including complex carbohydrates such as 

brown rice, fruits and vegetables, lean proteins such as chicken, turkey and fish 

and essential fats such as nuts and avocado.

Slow down when you eat. It takes 20 minutes from the time you eat until 

your brain gets the signal that you are full. Remember, it’s not a contest to see 

how many plates you can fill at the buffet line. Eat slowly, put your fork down 

between bites and take a moment after you eat to sit back and relax. Once 

those 20 minutes are up, you likely won’t need that second helping.

Limit the booze to help you lose. Sugar-laden alcohol contains many “empty 

calories” that contribute to weight gain. As well, drinking too much alcohol may 

increase your appetite and alter your judgment, making temptation next to 

impossible to resist. Try having a seltzer with a lime twist or glass of water 

between alcoholic drinks to help cut calories.

Keep up your exercise routine.Although the holidays may be a busy time, it 

is important to not skip your exercise routine. Remember, if you burn the 

calories you consume, your weight should stay the same. If you’re having 
trouble finding time to workout, try doing half of your regular routine, do a few laps around the mall before your holiday shopping or exercise first thing in the morning before the holiday rush swings into full gear.

Don’t forget to stay hydrated—and no, that doesn't include alcohol! In fact, 

many of the holiday beverages and foods we eat actually dehydrate our bodies. 

Be sure to drink at least eight glasses of water a day.

Plan your indulgences wisely. If you are going to give into temptation, do so 

with thought. Don’t waste your calories on foods you don’t really love. Scope 

out the scene, ID the food you can’t live without and go for it—ideally a small 

portion of it of course!

Make healthier versions of holiday foods. Traditional holiday foods taste 

good but are loaded with fat and calories that are not good for your health. To 

make your favourite dishes healthier, try cooking the stuffing outside the 

turkey to avoid soaking up extra fat, pass the gravy though a skimmer and serve baked sweet potatoes instead of candied yams. Try some Truestar healthy holiday favourites.

Let your family and friends be the focus this holiday season. It’s hard 

not to be consumed by food during the holidays since cookies, chocolates and candy canes appear everywhere. But remember, the holidays are also about celebration and enjoying time with those around you. Try focusing more on family and friends and less on food to help you get through the holidays a little lighter.

I hope you'r having the holiday of your dream. 

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