Friday 4 September 2015

Aylan Kurdi's Drowning, Britain To Accept "More And More" Migrants!

Going against his insistence on Wednesday August 2, that Britain would not accept “more and more” migrants, British Prime Minister, David Cameron is expected to announce that Britain will accept thousands more Syrian asylum seekers. 
Information revealed that the government is preparing plans to resettle the refugees fleeing Isil jihadists and conflict in the region in an attempt to fulfill what it termed its “moral obligation”.
Cameron's insistence on not accepting more migrants into the United Kingdom came as the crisis showed no sign of ceasing. Hours after the decision, images emerged of the lifeless body a three-year-old boy later identified as Aylan Kurdi, a Syrian refuge, lying lifeless on Bodrum beach in Turkey. Aylan drowned alongside his mother Rehen and elder brother Galip, while trying to flee war ravaged Syria. 
Aylan and Galip with their father Abdullah Kurdi
The picture, which embodies the "human cost of the crisis" went viral on the Internet, prompting debates over whether Britain was accepting its "fair share" of refugees.
Cameron, it was gathered spent much of Thursday, August 3, in talks with his closest advisers on how to respond to the changing public mood.

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