Sunday 20 July 2014

Hamas human shield strategy calls for concern!

The Israel/ Gaza crisis deepens by the day, and number of casualty is on the increase, with pictorial reports from the media of women and children brutally killed or injured by Israeli requite missiles; seems like for a while, Hamas almost brought the world with the story it told.
Reasoning from a more objective footing, considering that this is a war situation, a ball game where blows are thrown at the opponent, at the same time you shield your citizens especially the young and vulnerable from the enemies responsive blows. 
The Israeli camp is known over time for its offensive at same time defensive strategy, and has through its detective technique, employed a scheme that warns and protects her citizens from the enemy's missiles, which is evident in the low number of casualty recorded during crisis situations.
One would have thought the Hamas camp will employ a more citizen protective approach. But they obviously seems to have a totally different game plan, using children and the vulnerable as shields. A blueprint that is beginning to leave people around the world wondering who they are really fighting....
It is in this line of thought that Rich Lowry, National Review editor wrote:
"After the four children were reportedly killed by explosions while playing on a Gaza beach recently, Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) explained that the kids had likely been misidentified as a “legitimate” Hamas target.
National Review Editor Rich Lowry asserted over the weekend that Israelis were not at fault for the deaths of the boys, because Hamas should have told them to move out of the way.
Lowry told Fox News host Tucker Carlson that the misidentification would never have happened if Hamas had not have provoked the Israelis in the first place.
The whole idea is to invite retaliatory fire, to tell your civilians not to hide or to flee the areas where the Israelis are about to hit, and then get the civilian casualty numbers up,” Lowry explained.And then use that as a propaganda tool, and hope the media will report it as if it’s Israel’s fault.”
Carlson wondered.... “The four little kids, for example who were killed right on the beach, right on the Mediterranean in Gaza, you think that’s Hama’s fault?”. 
Yeah,” Lowry insisted. “It’s wouldn't be happening, there’s no reason for this conflict except for that Hamas is sending the Rockets over into Israel.”
Why don’t they tell people, ‘When Israel warns you that they’re about to hit, please flee, please go somewhere someplace safe’?” he continued. 
They don’t. And you’ve had various Hamas officials over the years bragging, ‘We’re going to win because we love death more than you love life.’”
The Guardian‘s Peter Beaumont, who witnessed the death of the four children, told Haaretz that there was no “legitimate” target near them.
The building that was hit was just a shipping container next to where one of the kids’ father keeps his boat and stores fishing nets,” Beaumont said. 
The kids were just playing hide and seek there. They shoot missiles (against Israel) from this neighborhood but none from that location.”

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