Wednesday 9 July 2014

Gaza attack- U.K Prime Minister reiterates support for Israel!

Following series of rocket attacks launched by Israeli and Palestinian military over the past couple of days, dozens have reportedly been wounded while the number of casualties continues to rise.

With Aljazeera reporting the situation as: "The Palestinian Ministry of Health on Wednesday said another 465 people had been wounded since Israel launched its campaign in Gaza this week, which it said targeted Palestinians firing rockets into its territory. 

The Israeli authorities say more than 200 rockets have been fired into Israel from Gaza since Monday, with some reaching as far as Tel Aviv". 

The United kingdom Prime Minister David Cameron today placed a call across to his Israeli counterpart, in which he condemned the attacks and underlined Israel's right to defend itself.
The message below:
"The Prime Minister spoke to Prime Minister Netanyahu earlier this evening about the situation in Israel. The Prime Minister strongly condemned the appalling attacks being carried out by Hamas against Israeli civilians".
"The Prime Minister reiterated the UK’s staunch support for Israel in the face of such attacks, and underlined Israel’s right to defend itself from them". He said.
Roving Informant says.....From all indications, it seems this situation is turning into some sort of "armory strength" show-off. 
We call for a peaceful resolution of this avoidable crisis, because people are dying. Like the saying goes "two wrongs can not make a right".

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